Use of heat-resisting steel in the production of industrial furnaces

Heat-resistant steel is very often used to produce furnaces and other such industrial equipment. Where does this choice come from? Well, this type of steel has great properties and parameters that are ideal for the operation of such furnaces. The use of heat-resistant steel to create such devices is very wide and common, because this type of steel is durable and resistant. Therefore, it guarantees the safety and proper functioning of furnaces. Such material in the event of an accident is very important, because the operation of this type of machinery should be primarily characterized by safety. High quality of workmanship and materials used certainly affect this safety.

What exactly is heat resistance and how to get to know it?

At the beginning it is worth to know what heat-resistant steel is. Well, the heat resistance feature means that the steel is resistant to oxidation at high temperatures. Of course, in most cases, such working conditions do not prevail all the time, however, the steel used to produce industrial furnaces must have the best heat-resistant parameters. Steel such as example type 1.4845 exhibits these features, which is why it is resistant to oxidation at very high temperatures both in the atmosphere and in the air.

Use of heat-resistant steel in furnaces

Industrial furnaces should have very high resistance to damage and, above all, very high temperatures. Often such devices are used to work at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. That's why only the highest-quality materials with the right properties are needed for their construction. Such characteristics can be provided by the appropriate steel grades. X12CrNi25-21 heat resistant steel is ideal for industrial furnaces, and more specifically it is used to create some elements of such devices. They are resistant to temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius, so they can be successfully exposed even for long hours of work in difficult conditions.

Important properties of heat-resisting steel used in industrial furnaces worth attention:

         high temperature resistance
         tensile strength
         creep resistance
         yield strength
         thermal conductivity

AISI 310S heat-resistant steel, as well as many other types of steel used for furnace construction, also show acid-resistant properties. This is a very desirable feature in the industry that affects even more durability and resistance to damage to certain components. Such steel grades are often used to produce parts that are part of industrial furnaces. All parts that are quite loaded and must work at very high temperatures should be made of such solid and resistant to various types of steel. It is then possible to obtain an industrial furnace with very high durability and excellent properties that will withstand even long-term operation at fairly high temperatures and harsh conditions. Due to the fact that industrial furnaces have to deal even with very difficult environmental conditions, they use steel with the best properties.